Supply List

Supply List:

In order to assist your child in learning to be organized, I have set up a classroom environment that is full of supplies that they will need. I believe that the less your child has on top or inside his/her desk, the more focused they will be during instructional time. Therefore, I am requesting that students keep all personal school supplies at home. I realize that you may have bought quite a few items, so I suggest that you set up a study area in your home with these supplies. Each students will be provided with and have access to pencils, pens, erasers, glue sticks, scissors, journals, crayons, markers, pencil sharpeners, and papers. I do suggest that children bring a backpack to school everyday to hold lunches, homework folders, and extra clothing. Please do not be offended if I send home any extra school supplies that your child might have brought to school on the first day. I only hope to set up a structured learning environment that is free of unnecessary, competitive supplies and conflict.

Each child will need to bring:
a 1" white binder
a backpack (no wheels, please)
a snack and/or lunch ( If your child does not eat a school meal, please be sure to send a healthy snack for recess and lunch. Franklin does not allow candy, soda, or gum).